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      百年光辉历程,百年丰功伟绩 ,2021年是中国共产党成立100周年 。这100年来,在党的带领下,鼎盛娱乐的国家不断壮大 ,经济快速发展,党的先进性和纯洁性让党始终走在前沿,党的初心与使命让鼎盛娱乐拥有和谐美好的明天。党的历史值得鼎盛娱乐探索 ,党的精神值得鼎盛娱乐学习,在全面数字化的今天,党建系统也朝着智能化发展。

      2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 100 years, under the leadership of the party, our country has continued to grow and the economy has developed rapidly. The party’s advanced nature and purity have kept the party at the forefront. In today's comprehensive digitalization, the party building system is also developing towards intelligence.

      智慧党建一体机是集软件与硬件于一身的智能一体机。也是一款拥有党建系统的人机交互一体机,可以实现触屏操作、无线同屏,视频会议 、智能批注等功能。在线学习党务知识,沉浸式党课学习,党政展厅宣传等 ,一机就可以实现 。

      The smart party building machine is an intelligent all-in-one machine that integrates software and hardware. It is also a human-computer interaction all-in-one machine with a party building system, which can realize functions such as touch screen operation, wireless simultaneous screen, video conferencing, and smart annotation. Online learning of party affairs knowledge, immersive party class learning, party and government exhibition hall publicity, etc., can be achieved in one machine.

      具备了视频语音、红外触摸等功能,便捷操作,创新了党建学习平台 。铝制外框 ,钢化玻璃全方位保护屏幕 ,性价比更高,节能又环保  。

      It is equipped with functions such as video, voice, infrared touch, convenient operation, and innovative party building learning platform. The aluminum frame and tempered glass protect the screen in all directions, which is more cost-effective, energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

      搭配移动支架,随意移动会议场景 ,一机即可实现多场景利用,使用途径广 。插上电源,一键开机 ,会议马上开始 。

      With a mobiles stand, you can move the meeting scene at will, and one machine can be used in multiple scenes with a wide range of usage. Plug in the power supply, turn on with one button, and the meeting will start immediately.

         智能白板,多种笔触书写,多种工具搭配,智能识别图形,让会议丰富多彩。会议过程随时上传文件,实现图文同步 ,会议内容即刻扫码分享。

      Smart whiteboard, a variety of brush strokes, a variety of tools, intelligent recognition of graphics, making the meeting colorful. Upload files at any time during the meeting, realize the synchronization of pictures and texts, and scan and share the content of the meeting instantly.

      智慧党建一体机丰富了党建学习生活的内容 ,使党建的建设不断朝着智能化前进。在党成立的一百周年的今天 ,鼎盛娱乐也将用更先进的方式去学习党的思想理念,为人民幸福美满的明天而奋斗!

      The smart party building integrated machine enriches the content of party building study and life, and makes the building of party building move toward intelligence. Today, on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, we will also use more advanced methods to learn the party's ideology and concepts, and strive for a happy tomorrow for the people!


